Children and Young People Services

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Complex Child Care
Complex Child Care
We have a dedicated, passionate, highly experienced and trained team to assist disabled children and those with complex healthcare needs. Our staff go through our intensive training courses/workshops as well as taking part in other courses that may be relevant when providing complex care to children.  We provide a wide range of complex childcare packages, from those who may have been born with a life limiting illness, to older children may have challenging behaviour, autistic spectrum disorders, physical disabilities and sensory impairment.
Our care services are fully regulated by the relevant country regulator including Care Quality Commission (CQC) for England, Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) for Wales, Care Inspectorate for Scotland and The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) for Northern Ireland.
What Is Complex Child Care?

If your child has been diagnosed with an illness, disability or sensory impairment that needs a lot of additional support for them to live day to day, they might be described as having "complex needs". A child might have complex needs from birth, or following an illness or injury. Although everyone's experience will be different, it can be reassuring to speak to other parents who have children with the same disability or condition as yours. They're likely to have been through the same emotions and processes as you. Once you have a clear diagnosis, you'll probably want to find out as much about the condition as you can. When researching online, look out for the Information Standard mark , which confirms that the information is reliable.

Your local authority is responsible for providing any non-medical care services that your child is assessed as needing. This could include equipment for daily living, care for your child at home, access to play schemes and respite care so that you can get a break.

Our Approach

At Goldsmith Personnel we provide round the clock specialist care for young people up to the age of 18 with complex physical health problems, with either severe physical or learning disabilities, a combination of the two or long-term conditions, in addition to those who display challenging behaviours associated with their diagnosis. We understand every child is different, so we tailor our care and support packages to meet individual needs. This includes considering more than just complex care needs to enhance quality of life. We incorporate everything that is important to children and young people, and work closely with their families and other professionals involved in their care, to provide truly person-centred complex care at home.

We believe that everyone we care for has the potential to take steps forward with us, to improve, to learn to grow – physically, mentally, socially. Our specialist services offer nurturing, homely environments which allow our young residents to feel like they’re part of our family – we get to know every resident.

Our services